A salad of blogs, tutorials and thoughts of game engines, games, c++ and all sorts of related stuff

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Xcode6 or Xcode5 show all output (remove “Showing first 200 notices only”)

02:11 Posted by LoudParrottLab , , No comments
I have made a discovery today. Basically I was annoyed by the fact that Xcode has output only the first 200 lines of the build log while building Unreal Engine. Unreal Engine build log is over 1000 lines so was I was building blind after 200 lines, when building in Xcode. (xcodebuild is a different story,  I had the advice to build from the command line, but I wasn't happy entirely with that as it involves more windows, more switching, and from Xcode you can perform some tasks and adjust some settings quicker). I have seen a screen similar to the one below where my log has stopped after 200 lines.

So then after googling a little bit figured that there is a setting that one can use to show all the log.

1.) So in XCode 6 click on the Show the Report Navigator the little clock on the right.

 2.) Then right click anywhere in the log window and select Expand All Transcripts as shown in the pic below.

 2.) As a result you will see a screen similar to the image below, and see that the log is updating constantly if everything goes well.

 3.) To turn it off right click again anywhere in the log window and select Collapse All Transcripts.

Have a happy and productive day. :)