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Monday, 28 July 2014

Genymotion and Android Studio and Google Play Services

10:40 Posted by LoudParrottLab No comments
My head wanted to blow up after trying out Android Studio and nothing seemed to work...

So what has happened? Basically I have updated to Android Studio 0.8.4 and have decided to create an app with stock login activity.

Then I thought I am going to launch this in the Genymotion supplied emulator (because it is light years faster)

Then I have started to receive errors related to google play services api and the login google plus button....


Ah yes unfortuntely due to some licensing all of the google stuff is missing from the Genymotion supplied Android simulators.

Here is the solution on Stackoverflow:
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc.) on a Genymotion virtual device?

After I have installed the apps and performed some updates of Google Play and the related apps everything went fine.