A salad of blogs, tutorials and thoughts of game engines, games, c++ and all sorts of related stuff

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Unreal Engine Tutorial Links

09:01 Posted by LoudParrottLab , , No comments
Unreal Engine...

The various links...

Recently I have jumped in to game development, and I have started to explore the various engines. For various reasons I have stuck with Unreal Engine. In this post I will collect my favorite links to various tutorials that I think could benefit others too.

This is my personal collection, feel free to explore, and reflects only my personal taste.

First Person Shooter C++ Tutorial (The official unreal engine tutorial)

Unreal Engine 4 C++ Tutorial: True FPS with "zoom-able" third person  (As an extension to the previous one...)

How to Limit Camera Rotation (Haven't tested this one, just stumbled upon it when thinking about the problem of a TPS with limited or fixed camera rotation)

I will add here a third person shooter tutorial using C++.

(...and then the various problems with the camera. Probably I will write a blog about it. Here I am referring to the fixed camera above the head, or a camera with limited move, for example 180 degrees...)