A salad of blogs, tutorials and thoughts of game engines, games, c++ and all sorts of related stuff

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

07:50 Posted by LoudParrottLab No comments
Unreal Engine Adventure #1

I have decided to compile from command line the whole engine.

A quick a dirty command:

So to clean I have executed:
xcodebuild -target "UE4Editor - Mac" -configuration "Development" clean

Then to make a build:
xcodebuild -target "UE4Editor - Mac" -configuration "Development"

Apart from a couple of annoying things I have found that it is a much better experience than from xcode. In xcode I frequently checked back to the build log, just to find out that annoyingly it is freezing. For instance I had to build 606 files, and at 186 it has just stopped the log while after checking the Activity Monitor it still building.

In terminal everything was fine apart from the following:

1. Warning about 2 .ini files. (No I am building on MacBook Pro but the Unreal Engine contains a lot of windows stuff, the build environment is built using C# so you have to install Mono in order to be able to build it on Mac)

Those .ini files are empty. The solution to this is to edit those files and add an emty line or a line ending character.

2. The annoying warning about IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks 

The solution is to execute:
defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks 4

To verify execute:
defaults read com.apple.dt.XCode | grep IDEBuildOperationMaxNumberOfConcurrentCompileTasks